John A. Ramos is the newly elected Democratic State Committeeman for Palm Beach County. The role of the Democratic State Committeeman serves to represent your interests and will with the Florida Democratic Party. "I am ready to serve you and our party, by providing the accurate reporting and effective/transparent communication necessary to solidify the cause of democracy and reflect our positive and vibrant PBC community. I will become the conduit for the DEC Board and that of all the clubs. I will work hard for all of YOU and provide updates and present information to make our board and clubs strong.
I have enjoyed a thirty-year career rich in opportunities to exercise my skills involving Intergovernmental Relations and especially concerning complex intergovernmental web of plans, policies, and regulations. I take great pride in successfully navigating Federal, State, County, and regional channels toward the betterment of communities. My strongest asset has always been to pull together diverse mixtures of persons and personalities in the drive toward one objective and it is my intention to continue applying these talents to the benefit of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party.
I am dedicated to the election of Democrats to all local, state and federal posts. The Democratic Party is back and we are proud of what we have accomplished and be remindful of the magnitude of the challenges we face. I appreciate the opportunity to help lead the change and effort to strengthen the Democratic Party. We can and must build on the promise of Barack Obama's election. Yes we can! Si se puede!".